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Catheterisation Laboratories 1 & 2

ABMU Health Board
Health 09 CATH 04

The existing Catheterisation Suite was located adjacent to the Theatres and CITU ward and had become outdated, in addition the existing suite was too small to accommodate the requirements of the new medical equipment. The Health Board also required an additional suite to be provided, ideally adjacent to the existing suite. The existing offices, staff rest room and changing facilities were re-provided in an alternative location, as part of a preliminary phase, to enable the proposed new suites to be designed adjacent to one another. This enabled both control areas and equipment room to be linked, improving the communication between the suites. The patient holding area could also be shared, providing the flexibility to accommodate three patients at a time, whilst also enabling one patient to be isolated should the need arise. Close liaison with the Health Boards Radiation Protection Advisor and the specialist equipment provider, Philips, was essential in determining the best layout and construction requirements. A mobile temporary suite was provided to enable both new suites to be constructed at the same time.

The project was undertaken in three phases, over a period of 12 months whilst maintaining the operation of the adjacent Theatre and CITU Departments.

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