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New Main Entrance & Tenovus Offices

Velindre NHS Trust

Location: Velindre Cancer Centre

Client: Velindre NHS Trust

Contractor: Ballast Construction

Value: £790k

Completed: September 2011

The Trust required a high profile entrance with the provision of office accommodation for Tenovus and Palliative Care, meeting rooms and administrative facilities.


Due to the bland nature of the existing elevational treatment of the existing buildings the decision was made to design the new scheme with a more radical approach, with a view to create an aesthetic for future projects. The materials selected were a buff brickwork with contrasting white fascias, seam roofs were utilised to provide an organic aesthetic, which canopies. A temporary alternative entrance was provided in the outpatients department to enable the new scheme to be constructed. The project also incorporated the refurbishment and extension of the main cafeteria facility, again providing a temporary facility for staff and visitors whilst works were ongoing.

The overall design was well received , creating a welcoming and functional entrance and an functional administrative facility.

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